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Embrace the Wonky!

Writer: Glow & Grit: The JourneyGlow & Grit: The Journey

I’m just back from a three-week creativity adventure in captivating Italy: an inspiring timeout to boost my artistic skills and soak up that country’s incredible culture.  What a gift.  

Susan at Work in Tuscany Art Studio

I joined two weeklong art workshops plus had extra time on my own to explore.  By the end of the trip, I was literally glowing with energy, ideas, sunshine, good vibes.  I had delicious gelato every day and loved walking a lot.   

Gelato Every Day

My biggest lesson came from one of my super-talented teachers Ohn Mar Win

She asked us to sketch a few buildings in the charming Italian town, Rapallo.  My creation had crooked lines and the perspective was off.  I said sheepishly to Ohn Mar, “It’s wonky.” Her cheery reply: “Embrace the wonky!”

My teacher’s enthusiastic words reminded me that years ago, my Mom – a professional artist with an MFA – told me that my style is like folk artist Grandma Moses.  I’m finally ready to let my own unique wonky style shine through.  You can see that in my sketchbook painting here: “San Gimignano” – with snippets of scenes I saw in that lovely hill town. 

San Gimignano Montage © Susan Mann

For me, creating art is about having fun, enjoying color, growing my skills bit by bit.  Release perfectionism.  Let go of self-criticism.  Accept that learning is awkward and embrace the wonky!

One of my favorite parts of these two workshops was the “sketchbook throwdown”, when we’d all spread out our sketchbooks and do a gallery walk.  No compare and despair!  Simply joy in seeing what we created and gaining ideas from each other. 

Rapallo Sketchbook Throwdown

The art classes I’ve taken over the past decade are for all skill levels.  The teachers I’ve studied with, listed below, are incredibly talented.  I heartily recommend their virtual and in-person workshops.  I’m especially grateful to Gayle Kabaker, Jennifer Orkin Lewis, and Ohn Mar Win for their brilliant instruction and warm company in Italy this fall.

Susan in Sunshine “Italian Glow”

Even if you’ve never picked up a paint brush, I invite you to take a short virtual course and have fun with it.  Embrace your wonky!  Taking some online classes is a great way to learn which style, materials, teachers you prefer.

My wonderful art teachers:

All content copyright © Susan Mann



All Site Content & Artwork © 2024-2025 Susan Mann | All Photography © 2024-2025 Charles Bergman
Materials on this site may not be copied or used in any way without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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