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We grow the most when we’re on the
learning edge, outside our comfort zones. 

I facilitate workshops, retreats, and interactive presentations that create a safe space for people to take risks and embrace what’s possible.  


On topics from leadership, purpose, creativity, change, resilience, and more, I deliver experiences that guide people beyond their current mind set and heart space.  That move them to feel the glow of connecting with themselves and others.  That support them to discover and integrate insights about who they are and practice new ways to work and live as whole human beings. 


Served on the Senior Faculty of The Daring Way™ from 2013 to 2020, training and mentoring people in Dr. Brené Brown's evidenced based work on courage, vulnerability, wholeheartedness, and empathy.  I studied with poet David Whyte in 2016-17, earning a certificate in his work on Conversational Leadership.

“When the heart is open and free and we’re connected to our emotions and understand what they’re telling us,
new worlds open up for us, including better decision making and critical thinking, and the powerful experiences
of empathy, self-compassion, and resilience.” 

Brené Brown

Based on the work of Brené Brown, I offer:


  • Dare to Lead™ – Check out this one-page overview

  • Daring Greatly: The Courage to be Vulnerable

  • Rising Strong: The Transformational Ability to Reset

  • The Gifts of Imperfection: Wholehearted Living and Leading


Certified SoulCollage® Facilitator


As a certified SoulCollage® facilitator, I also offer workshops that help people develop their creativity and tap into their inner wisdom by making collaged cards.  No art skills required for this fun and meaningful discovery process!​


I customize these workshop topics and create new ones to fit the needs of each audience.  What are your group’s learning goals? 


“Susan embodies the balance many of us seek between acting with backbone and heart.  She knows when to gently push and when to support and encourage.  She always masters her subject matter, is kind, approachable, and thorough.  I cannot think of anyone I enjoy learning with and from more than Susan.”

Chief Executive Officer, start-up company


“We received numerous communications from attendees raving about your presentation, your fun delivery of the information (they LOVED the penguins!), and how approachable and thoughtful they feel you are.  Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and passion with all of us.  It made for a very rewarding and inspirational 5th anniversary event for our group!”

Vice President, large health care organization


All Site Content & Artwork © 2024-2025 Susan Mann | All Photography © 2024-2025 Charles Bergman
Materials on this site may not be copied or used in any way without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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DTL Seal Certified Facilitator
Professional Certified Coach PCC Badge
EQI Certified
Hudson Master Coach
LPI Trained Coach
Trained Facilitator
Daring Way
SoulCollage Facilitator
Emotional Agility for Wellbeing at Work Badge Nov 2024.png
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